We offer only the finest quality challenge coins at unbeatable prices
When you’re shopping for custom made coins, you want the best. We understand. Our mission isto provide the finest challenge coins you can buy, at prices that can’t be beat. We’re alsocommitted to providing you with the finest customer service experience you’ve ever had.
Challenge Coins
We never charge for artwork or revisions, so you can craft the design of your custom coins exactly the way you wantit. We’ll make your custom medal coins or medallions to your exact specifications. We’re not satisfieduntil you’re satisfied. Customer satisfaction is the key to our business success, and your orderis as important to us as it is to you. That’s why we back everything we sell with our100 percentsatisfaction guarantee.
And when we say 'custom challenge coins,' wemean just that. We can design your custom coins in virtually any shape or size. Get creative! Ourtalented artists will be happy to help you create a unique design that’s perfect for yourorganization’s needs.
Custom Engraved Coins Designed and Ready in Two Weeks
Nov 05, 2020 Challenge coins have roots in the military and are also known as military coins. Challenge coins are special tokens that serve as both proofs of membership and a sign of respect and camaraderie. Sharing a challenge coin is a time-honored tradition that other organizations have also embraced. Challenge coins are very special metal tokens meant for inspiring someone, boosting their morale, or commemorating a special occasion. They are often used to show membership in a military, police, sheriff, or firefighter unit/organization.
Ordering commemorative custom coins from The-Coin-Factory.com is a breeze! Just give us a call or fill out ourfree quote form. Not sure what you want? No problem. Our talented graphic artists will help youcraft a design of custom engraved coins that you can be proud of. And remember, our artwork and revisions are free. We’ll emailyou a proof of your design. All you have to do is email us back your approval, and we’ll getstarted. Two weeks later, your custom challenge coins will be delivered to your door,individually bagged. What could be easier?
Our minimum order is only 100 custom made coins. As the quantity goes up, the price goes down. For orders ofmore than 300 coins, we don’t charge any mold fee. But that doesn’t mean we don’t value smaller orders too. We offer the same outstanding service on every order, no matter how large or small.The-Coin-Factory.com doesn’t want your business just once – we want to win you as a customer forlife. We stake our reputation on our products and our service.
Options for Custom Commemorative Coins
To really make your custom coins unique, we offer aselection ofoptions,including your choice of metal styles. Select from gold, silver, copper brass, black nickel orduotone styles. You can select polished or antiqued finishes. Other available options include diecut edges, epoxy coatings, sequential numbering, and additional colors on one or both sides ofyour coins.
Challenge Coins For Sale
We even offer a range of packaging choices for your custom medal coins. Select from the standard PVC pouch, velvet bag,acrylic case, coin capsule or velvet box. Design the perfect presentation for yourrecipients.

Ready to order? Have a question? Give us a call! We’ll be happy to answer anyquestions you mighthave before you order. Remember, at The-Coin-Factory.com, artwork, revisions andshipping (within theU.S.) are always free. Call us toll-free at 1 (877) 870-5463, fill out our free quote form, or emailus at [email protected] We’ll answer your questions about custom made coins promptly and get yourunique challenge coinson their way to you!