
Linus “LLinusLLove” Loeliger has done just that for the past couple of years. Throughout 2019, he turned his attention to playing the odd live High Roller tournament. Within a four-month stretch, he banked $1.8 million across just three cashes. His ascent from the micro-stakes to the High Rollers has been well documented. Linus Loeliger, better knowns as his PokerStars moniker LLinusLLove, is a Swiss professional poker player. His exact date of birth is not public, his Wikipedia page simply states he was born in either 1994 or 1995. LLinusLLove is known as one of the greatest online cash game players in the world. Linus Loeliger, who had shipped the 18th event of the series, championed the Main Event for a mouth-watering $1.09 Million, after besting Giuseppe Iadisernia (runner-up for $750,750), heads-up. The top 10 spots were assured payouts, and Vicent Bosca Ramon bubbled the final table, finishing 10th for $154,000.

Professional poker player Andres 'Educa-p0ker' Artinano, claimed observing Mols improved his own game play and ranked Mols along with Linus Loeliger and Timofey Kuznetsov as one of the top three 6-max no-limit hold 'em players in the world. LLinusLLove is a Swiss professional poker player and is known to be one of the greatest online poker players of all time.He has made millions of dollars play.

The Grand Ballroom at the London Hilton, Park Lane, was hopping tonight. That was inevitable as the biggest buy-in poker tournament of all time awarded the biggest ever first prize.

But it’s a measure of just how high they play on the Triton Super High Roller series that shortly after the Aaron Zang/Bryn Kenney party moved to more traditional nightclub surroundings, tournament organisers prepared to hand over another prize of more than £1.3 million to another champion, in front of a silent and deserted room. Yes, enormous tournaments are so routine on the Triton Super High Roller series that even a seven-figure first prize can pass by silently in the dead of night.


Or that was the plan. But in fact, a second event of the week had to pause in the dead of night, with UK gaming regulations demanding a halt to proceedings at 4am. That left Jason Koon and Charlie Carrel, pictured above, still with chips and still with the task of splitting around £2 million between them.

The plan is now to play this one out tomorrow, at the same time at the £25K turbo finishes and the £100K Main Event gets started. Koon has the marginal advantage with 12.15 million to Carrel’s 9.6 million.

Linus Loeliger



As the £1 million event was still playing its early final table stages, registration closed on the £50K with 109 entries (including 43 re-entries) building a prize pool of £5.123 million. They burst the bubble when Sergio Aido lost his last six blinds to Talal Shakerchi, but Shakerchi himself was knocked out in a torrent of post-bubble eliminations.

All of Benjamin Pollak, Christoph Vogelsang, Jesus Cortes, Sam Greewood, Mikael Thuritz and Ike Haxton were similarly swept away before the final table (receiving between £87,000 and £133,000 for their troubles). Canada’s Daniel Dvoress joined them on the rail before seven-handed play decamped to the feature table at the conclusion of this week’s flagship event.

Malaysia’s Jun Wah Yap was enjoying his first cash from several attempts on the Triton series, but ended up on the rail in seventh after losing his last 13 big blinds to Linus Loeliger. Off he went, with £238,000.

The race began as to whether this tournament could get finished tonight at all. Gambling regulations in the UK meant that we had to be done by 4am, and it pushed past 2am with still six players left. The short-stacked Matthias Eibinger doubled up twice, with better than Kahle Burns’ and then with over Robert Flink’s .

It left Flink in shoving mode, and he was less fortunate. Flink, who led overnight, lost with to Charlie Carrel’s when an eight flopped. Flink won £302,100. “See you tomorrow,” Jason Koon said, even though tomorrow was already today.

Carrel might have knocked out Burns on the next hand, but Burns survived his all-in push with pocket queens against Carrel’s . Burns continued to push with his relative short stack, getting no callers, before a possibly tournament-defining hand played out.

The only “haves” at a table of mostly “have nots” were Carrel and Loeliger, and the two of them went to war. Loeliger open-shoved under the gun, with but with a stack big enough to withstand any issues from his left. Carrel was the only opponent who could hurt, and he called all in, for close to 5 million. (The big blind was 160,000.) Carrel’s ended up staying good to double him up and relegate Loeliger back into the pack.

With all the shoving, something had to give, and it was Eibinger who went out in fifth. Burns jammed his small blind with 2.45 million, and Eibinger, with a smaller stack, called in the big blind. Eibinger’s was ahead of Burns’s , but the river changed that. Eibinger won £386,000.

Koon, the Triton Ambassador from the United States, had been sitting tight while the chips changed hands around him. He looked weary, and he was also bemoaning his bad luck earlier when neither of his sweats at the Triton Million final table was able to seal the deal.

But Koon suddenly sprang to life in three quickfire hands. He doubled through Carrel with over and then took heaps of Burns’s stack, before finishing off the Australian with staying good against Burns’s . Burns, who needs to play the final table of the delayed £25K turbo tomorrow, was free to get some sleep at about 3.30am. He took £481,500 for fourth.


At this stage, it was clear that the clock was going to be the real winner tonight. There was no hope of a conclusion. But Loeliger, who also has a seat at tomorrow’s £25K final table, still had time to hit the rail.

This was a brutal one, which played through the streets, and put a board of out there. Carrel made a big bet, big enough to force Loeliger to make a decision for his tournament, and Loeliger called with . “Sorry man,” Carrel said and turned over .

Linus Loeliger Poker

Loeliger took £594,000 and the two remaining players immediately decided to bag, booking themselves a return at 2pm tomorrow. Carrel’s 9.6 million is slightly behind Koon’s 12.15 million, but there’s still plenty of play. See you tomorrow/today!

Triton London Event #3 – No Limit Hold’em
Dates: August 3-4, 2019
Buy-in: £50,000
Entries: 109 (inc. 43 re-entries)
Prize pool: £5.123 million

1 £1,321,000
2 £907,000
3 – Linus Loeliger, Switzerland, £594,000
4 – Kahle Burns, Australia, £481,500
5 – Matthias Eibinger, Austria, £386,000
6 – Robert Flink, Sweden, £302,100
7 – Jun Wah Yap, Malaysia, £238,000
8 – Dvoress Daniel, Canada, £182,000
9 – Isaac Haxton, United States, £133,000
10 – Talal Shakerchi, UK, £107,500
11 – Mikael Thuritz, Sweden, £107,500
12 – Sam Greenwood, £94,700
13 – Jesus Cortes, Spain, £94,700
14 – Christoph Vogelsang, Germany, £87,000
15 – Ben Pollak, France, £87,000


Les Ambassadeurs is one of the most prestigious private clubs and casinos in London, with a history dating from the early 19th century. Situated in the heart of London’s exclusive Mayfair district, it is formerly the favoured gambling destination of Victorian aristocracy and diplomats and is still one of the most elegant and stylish casino floors in the world.

partypoker LIVE was created in January 2017 as a global poker tour, with the aim of bringing large field, high guarantee tournaments to players all over the world. Within just 12 months the partypoker LIVE tour has grown into the world’s largest ever poker tour and is guaranteeing over $70,000,000 in the 2018/2019 season.

Linus loeliger

Photography by Joe Giron/PokerPhotoArchive


Preflop, at a five-handed table with 11 players remaining and blinds of 20,000-40,000 with an ante of 5,000, Linus Loeliger raised to 80,000 from the button. David Peters three-bet to 300,000 from the big blind. Loeliger called. On the flop Peters bet 140,000. Loeliger called. On the turn Peters bet 231,250. Loeliger called. On the river Peters moved all-in for 1,200,640. Loeliger folded.


The Super High Roller Bowl Online series hosted a total of 28 high-stakes tournaments in late May, with the centerpiece of the whole affair being the $102,000 buy-in SHRB main event. The tournament attracted a total of 50 entries, with a field that included many of the very best no-limit hold’em poker players in the world. Among those stars of the game was Linus Loeliger, a Swiss poker pro known as “LLinusLLove” online. He is a regular participant in the highest-stakes online games, and recently began to transition into playing more high roller tournament events. He has already accrued more than $1.8 million in live tournament cashes with just five recorded results to his name. In this hand Loeliger clashed with 2016 Card Player Player of the Year award winner David Peters. He opened K-Q offsuit from the button and called when Peters three-bet to 7.5 big blinds. Peters had made the re-raise with pocket tens. He flopped top set and led out for a smallish bet of 140,000 into the pot of 645,000. Loeliger continued with his K-Q high and possible backdoor outs. The turn brought the A´ to give Loeliger a gutshot draw at the Broadway straight. Peters might very well view the ace as a good card to fire a second barrel with when bluffing, as he would likely continuation bet his ace-high hands on the flop after three-betting preflop. Peters bet 231,250 and Loeliger elected to call, leaving himself with just 661,874 while the pot ballooned to nearly 1.4 million. Loeliger might have expected Peters to give up with his bluffs after being called on the flop and turn. In this instance, though, Peters had flopped a very strong hand. He shoved for value on the river and Loeliger got out of the way after having committed more than half of his stack to the hand. Despite the setback, Loeliger did go on to cash in this event, finishing sixth for $250,000.